Un-go – Episode 8

King of Paradise


This episode kicks off with an awesome scene where Kazamori is hacking into the system of the prison that Shinjurou was last seen at. By the time she’s finished, she and Inga are with Rie where they learn that Shinjurou has been locked up.

Izumi and Seigen are speaking with Rinroku about Shinjurou’s imprisonment, and they all assume he is innocent. Izumi and Seigen agree to go there and free him. They hear Rie outside and upon revealing her, Rie asks to go with them. Once they are at the prison, Rie and Izumi begin to approach the door, but Kazamori stops them and gives them a pair of handcuffs that she made. The two are questioning the “novelist” when he sends them into the illusion where they apprehend Shinjurou. This is where the last episode ended.

Seigen and Inga are outside, where Seigen, speaking to the guard posted out front, learns there’s been a murder and Izumi and has the culprit in custody. Seigen is thinking aloud in his car, when he realizes that everyone’s strange behavior resembles a case from a while back ago. A leader of a new religious cult was controlling what his followers were seeing. Inga confirms this, saying that the power comes from a girl named “Bettenou”. He goes on to explain that Bettenou is like a deity that can turn peoples words into reality. Soon after, Kazamori electrocutes Shinjurou via the handcuffs, and it snaps him back into reality. The movie set he was once working on is revealed as the prison yard, full of convicts and guards.

Shinjurou, accompanied by Izumi and Rie (who are still affected by the illusion), goes to the hall where he saw the director talking to one of the actors. They learn that the door has been tampered with, making it unable to register when it has been used, and it’s safety measures have been disabled. The door separates the male and female convicts. Shinjurou figures out that the door was the murder weapon, and that the director, who was actually a guard, slipped in every night to see a female convict. There’s a short cut to Seigen and Inga where they decide to enter the prison to confirm the identity of the novelist. Inga transforms into the female form.

Kazamori tells Shinjurou to keep the handcuffs on so he doesn’t fall back into the illusion, and Shinjurou zaps Rie and Izumi to break them out of it as well. They head to the security room, where they learn that every prisoner has their own number and tracker placed on their neck. There are never more than two numbers, and the numbers are issued by the judge and prosecutor. Shinjurou concludes that his number must have belonged to another prisoner, and that a guard would be most likely to have done it. Shinjurou asks for the crimes of female inmates.

They go outside to the three female prisoners who in the illusion were the actors. Shinjurou begins to explain to them that the director (the guard) intended to break one of the girls out of prison because they knew his secret. The girls, who are still in the illusion, don’t understand what Shinjurou means by “break out”. Shinjurou changes the subject and hands them scripts, saying that he solved the mystery of their last lines of the film. One girl was a NEET (wiki it) who was hacking and leaking information from the government. Another girl was a prostitute. The final girl was a regular house mother turned terrorist. She met the guard at an anti-government movement. He didn’t want her to say anything about him helping a terrorist, so he planned on getting her out. However, the girl, still under the illusion, didn’t want to leave because she would no longer be able to star in the movie, so she killed him. Shinjurou was wearing her number. The mystery is solved, and everyone that was once under the illusion is back in reality. Shinjurou decides to stay in the prison for a while longer to reflect upon himself.

After the end credits roll, the “novelist” is exiting his cell, when Inga creeps up on him and covers his mouth. She uses her powers and asks what he wants with Shinjurou. The novelist needed a great detective for his novel, and Shinjurou was a good fit. However, Shinjurou wasn’t supposed to be able to solve the mystery. He used the guard to get Shinjurou into the prison then he had the guard killed. Inga eats his soul (truths, still not sure how that works) and it switches scenes to Seigen sitting in a cell. Rinroku enters and we learn that he took Benttenou away after the incident with the cult. The episode ends there.


I thought it was a fantastic episode. The way everything was tied in to explain what was really happening was done smoothly. There was no point at which I didn’t have any of my questions answered. Though, some aspects didn’t come as a surprise. The assumptions I made in the impressions section of the last episode were all correct. So that’s a little disappointing. I’d like to see more of a twist, but that’s basically my only complaint.

I also have to point out that I really enjoyed the beginning. The part where Kazamori is hacking into the prison’s security system is probably my favorite part. It had some sweet animation, plus the music was amazing. In fact, all of the music used in this anime is great. Even the songs used in the opening and ending credits. In general, this episode is one of my favorites so far.

.Episode Preview.

Coming up is “Kaishou Rinroku’s Crime”. My guess is that it has something to do with Rinroku hiding away Benttenou and keeping her powers a secret.

This entry was posted by Mike.